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Are We There Yet?
John Biggs On Losing His Wife To Mental Illness

John Biggs On Losing His Wife To Mental Illness

While Raising His Kids

In this episode, John Biggs takes us through the heartbreaking odyssey of losing his wife Samantha to a sudden mental breakdown. Seemingly overnight, Samantha went from being an incredible mother and artist to someone who could no longer function when their kids were just 12 and 14. John is a very entertaining storyteller so we laughed even more than we cried as he recounted the years when he had to become a full-time dad, caretaker, and breadwinner as Samantha was in and out of institutions. John's honesty, vulnerability, and openness as he described the most challenging moments of his ordeal is deeply moving. Samantha eventually died of her illness in 2022 so his kids are now in their early twenties and beginning to process the trauma of losing their mother to mental illness and then death. John's appreciation of his kids' grief and his instincts to protect them from the hurtful comments of others is a truly inspiring story of a man beautifully parenting his kids through the worst circumstances.

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Special thanks to Josephine Wiggs for the song "Time Does Not Bring Relief" from her album "We Fall."

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Are We There Yet?
Losing a parent or sibling at a young age is a life-defining event. In bi-weekly episodes, Ann Faison, an artist and grief specialist, and the author of two books that reflect on the grieving process, endeavors to better understand this rarely talked about form of trauma through interviews with adults who experienced grief as teens, parents of teens currently navigating a significant loss, and other experts.