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Are We There Yet?
Staying Connected With Evin Rose Terranova

Staying Connected With Evin Rose Terranova

How Early Loss Taught Her About Love And Life

I had so much fun interviewing Evin Rose Terranova who I met volunteering at Comfort Zone Camp earlier this year. She has been volunteering at the grief camp for kids for several years and has learned a lot from supporting grieving kids. Evin was just eight years old when her father died by suicide and she was lucky enough to have an amazing mother who supported her beautifully with therapy and grief support. But even under those circumstances, grieving the loss of her Dad has been a long journey that challenged her sense of who she was and what she wanted from life. This search landed her in a beautiful career as a self-love and relationship coach. It is clear from listening to Evin that she understands the importance of community and connection when it comes to healing our deepest wounds. What a gift she is to the world and I am so glad to be able to call her my new friend.

You can find Evin on Instagram @EvinRose or her website EvinRoseCoaching.com

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Special thanks to Josephine Wiggs for the song "Time Does Not Bring Relief" from her album "We Fall."

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Are We There Yet?
Losing a parent or sibling at a young age is a life-defining event. In bi-weekly episodes, Ann Faison, an artist and grief specialist, and the author of two books that reflect on the grieving process, endeavors to better understand this rarely talked about form of trauma through interviews with adults who experienced grief as teens, parents of teens currently navigating a significant loss, and other experts.